BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: BlueCielo TeamWork Administrator's Guide > About content indexing

About content indexing

TeamWork features full-text searching of vault documents and memo properties by the various TeamWork client applications. This makes finding documents extremely easy and versatile. The feature uses either the Indexing Service or Windows Search components included with the Windows operating systems and relies on IFilters provided by Microsoft and other software companies. No configuration of the TeamWork clients is necessary to enable full-text searching—it is detected automatically.

TeamWork uses the program AMFTFilter.exe (provided with TeamWork) and IFilters to first extract text from the documents (content) in the vault. A specific IFilter is required to read the text content of each file type you want to be searchable in TeamWork. This information is stored in XML files with the file extension .ami in a duplicate folder structure to the document stream files. By default, these folders and files are located at C:\BC-TeamWork Vaults\<Vault Name>\fti. These files are then indexed by the server into a specific catalog for each vault. After this is done, the AMFTFilter program can be scheduled to run periodically to update the catalog with new or changed document text.

Because the text in documents within the vault can change on a daily basis, it is necessary to keep the content index catalog up to date so that newly added or changed documents can be found. For this reason, you should schedule AMFTFilter to run at predefined intervals.

Related concepts

Understanding iFilters

Related tasks

Configuring content indexing

Building and maintaining a content index

Accelerating content index creation

Registering file types

Filtering out text noise

Restoring a vault that has been indexed

Indexing securely

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